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Monday, November 19, 2012

December Activities

 December brings chapter elections and an event at Castle High School.

Technical Talk - Tuesday, December 4th, 6:15-7:45 pm,
Castle High School Little Theater (45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive):

This technical seminar hosted by the Computer Society presents two exciting topics at an introductory level, but with sufficient detail to be of benefit to professionals   Additionally, there will be a brief synopsis of the Castle Complex Redesign, as well as an overview of upcoming STEM Club activities and competitions.  Light refreshments will be provided.  It is free and open to the Public.

  • Topic 1:  The Pengui-Phant in the Room: sneaky Linux at Home, School and Work.
  • Topic 2:  Fiber Optics in Today's Networks: an Introduction to theory and practice.

Questions and RSVP to

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

December Chapter Meeting

We are "tentatively" aiming for the second week in Dec. to present "Securing your Computer" at Castle High.  We are co-hosting with the Castle STEM club and AARP Hawaii.  We should have confirmation and details later in the week.

Chapter Elections are Coming

Voting using the IEEE Online Election Tool

A tutorial on voting can be found at:
N.B., Voters will need to have an IEEE web account.

Our Chapter Election

We need to have an election for the Computer Society Chapter of the Hawaii Section.  The term will be two years for each office, viz., Jan. 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2014. We plan to use vtools so that we have experience using it. Using the vtools election tool there is no longer a requirement for a teller committee and it is a secret ballot.  The chair can only vote in election if it is a secret ballot. We need at least one candidate we can announce.  Anyone will to serve should contact John Camery, We can allow write in candidates. We have to wait two weeks after we announce the slate of candidates, to hold the election.  Allowing three weeks for the voting period should be an ample period of time. After the voting begins, we are only allowed to send out three emails about voting, and they must be sent at least 3 days apart. Three weeks will allow sending out one each week encouraging voting.  If any member would like to see changes in the election procedures, they can contact the chair, John Camery, or place a comment on  Section EXCOM will inform the candidates of the results, inform the section of the results and inform IEEE Headquarters of the results. This will be done as soon as practical after the voting period ends. There is no longer a requirement to send out a postcard announcing an IEEE election. 

Requirements of Chapter Office

  1. Meet term limits, i.e.,  Consecutive period of service in any one office shall normally not exceed four years and the maximum time limit one individual can serve in one position in any single organizational unit is no more than six years in total.
  2. Membership in IEEE
  3. Membership in the Chapter, i.e., The Computer Society
  4. Reside in the Section, i.e., Hawaii Section
  5. Hold a grade of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, Fellow, or Life Member.

Slate of Candidates

  • Chair:
  • Vice Chair:
  • Secretary/Treasurer:
  • Webmaster: