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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

August 14 Technical Meeting at the Jelly Box

The Jelly Box street view

We have as technical meeting Aug. 14, 2012  at The Box Jelly with  We are joining forces with HiCapacity in putting on this meeting.  We'll gather at 6pm Tuesday at 307 Kamani Street Honolulu, HI  96813.  All Computer Society and  IEEE members are welcome. Come check it out and join us.  See their cool new location at The Box Jelly in person with the HiCapacity maker-space!  Here is the link to  The Jelly Box on Google+.

Here's how Matthew of HiCapacity describes it:

"HI Capacity will be going over using an Arduino with a digitally addressable RGB LED strip. The Arduino IDE runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. We will begin with a short Arduino discovery session before we move on to the LED strip. Each strip is 1m long and has 32 LEDs that can display upto 2 million colors per LED. We will be going over how to connect an Arduino to the strip in 1m and 5m lengths. We'll have all the necessary materials and equipment on hand, but everyone is welcome to bring a laptop. Using the strip will require a bit of math but we'll simplify it so that you can get it up and running quickly."

Monday, July 9, 2012

A New Website Competition

IEEE Hawaii Section Online - Our new website competition jointly sponsored by the Hawaii Section and the Hawaii Section Computer Society Chapter.

This competition is open to all Hawaii Section Student Members (as
individuals or in teams). The goal is to create a modern, useful,
secure site to be the online presence for the Hawaii Section.
Templates that comply with the IEEE National guidelines are
available (for Wordpress). Other frameworks are acceptable (such as
Drupal or xAMP+HTML). The judging will be held in November, so
student members should form teams and begin work early in the Fall.
Contact Dave Morse for details: